
Hi there! 👋

I'm Vaibhav and I'm a Front end developer. I am passionate about Web Development and have been working in the industry for 2+ years. This is my story.

📝 How I Got into Blogging:

I still remember the day when I started blogging, I started blogging just to be in the trend of blogging, but as everyone says just to become cool you can't do something for a long time, I wasn't consistent, many times I dropped the idea of blogging but now whatever I learn from my experience I just want to write it down so that maybe someone will find them useful.

👨‍💻 How I Got into Web Development:

I started Web Development just to kill my laziness and unemployed time, but soon after learning HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, I was just going crazy for them because I was thinking about the amazing websites I can create with them, but as you know if something is getting very easy there are high chances of you are doing it wrong, in the learning process I found out many things like responsiveness, new frameworks, new libraries, and after giving all them an immense amount of time, I started writing better and better codes, I am still not the perfect developer but I am trying to become better every day.

🏆 Achievements:

To be honest, I am a man with no greater achievements so far. I have small victories that I am willing to turn into major ones someday.

🤞 Focus Areas:

I am trying to focus on following these things right now:

  • Learning FullStack development
  • Contribution to open sources
  • Writing more blogs
  • Secret Startup and a Secret project

📱 Contact:

If you would like to get in touch with me, please feel free to email me at vaibhav.pandey1508@gmail.com. You can also connect with me on

Thank you for taking the time to read my story, and I look forward to connecting with you!